Happy at Homeschool by McKenna Gordon

Your Custom Blueprint for Simplicity and Success

Confidently homeschool your children with this guided workbook that will  squash your fears, maximize learning, and minimize stress.

Are you intrigued by the idea of homeschooling but don’t think you have the skills? Do you worry about curriculum, socialization, and how to fit it all into your day? Are you trying to figure out which type of homeschooling is best for you? This Christian-based workbook will help you find answers to your most pressing questions.

If you’re just beginning the homeschooling journey (or haven’t yet started), Happy at Homeschool will lead you on a thoughtful journey to discover your own beliefs about education and create a homeschool plan perfectly fitted to the unique culture of your family. Utilize your personal gifts and calling as a parent, along with the interests, needs, and missions of your children to create more connection in the home and ignite a passion for lifeline learning and becoming. The simplest and most successful way is the plan you design as the one who knows your children best.

If you’re an experienced homeschool veteran but you’re feeling burn-out, a new plan for your family may just be what you need to add life and zest to learning.

Happy at Homeschool guides you through:

• Positive benefits of homeschooling according to your family’s needs

• The importance of deschooling

• Getting started and setting up “school” on a budget

• Developing your own learning philosophy

• Tools for planning your term, month, or week

• Unique ideas for structuring your day

• Looping to make sure you focus on important basic skills

• Developing a family rhythm

• Becoming flexible, while still covering all the bases

• Avoiding burnout and making Mom care a priority

• Ten homeschooling myths and fears and why you can ignore them

• Curriculum ideas and resources that will work for you

• Lots of encouragement and cheerleading

Many families have discovered closer relationships, peace and cooperation in the home, and a zeal for learning by letting God guide them to the best plan for educating your children.